I feel so dirty, page-12

  1. 2,444 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 131
    WRONG WRONG WRONG. Your perceived listening bias is showing.

    Listen again to the "silly" video (Not so silly).

    It you go to 1:35 & 3:41 in the video it CLEARLY states "based on the average US Fuel Mix" ....
    .... NOT 100% coal as you try to vindicate your position by discrediting (anything) you possibly can in the video.

    You should take them to task if the information is in correct.

    You still can't accept that there is just cause to investigate the electrification/ batterisation (if there is such a word of the world as being warranted as holier-than-thou pulpit standing, screeching mindless greenies tell me it is so written.

    Even the Snowy 2.0 needs an extra $1,400 Million of tax funded to try to make the number stake up. That is currently the BEST battery tech we have that comes close to base load generation.

    The sooner we can stop suckling the tit of the Arab oil barons the better, just don't move from a petro chemical economy to our detriment.

    We need an orderly changover. Currently tech is not good enough & will be superceded within decades.
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