That's a narrow view of the ANW world don't you think Crash? You speak as if you hold Directors responsible for all variables including items that have not gone to plan as if they have ultimate control of the universe, gees if it was that easy....... do it yourself. M
Maybe cut 'em a little slack on things outside of the board or executives control, certainly they are not perfect, however stating they are completely incompetent is grossly inappropriate IMO. With the value of hindsight, we can all be experts and critics that think they know or would have done better....
Can they improve, sure, can they communicate better, of course. Can they manage budget and scale up of production better......maybe. I think most AXS listed resource companies could if you ask investors on HC.
I think whatever improvements that could have been made, or can be made going forward by ANW or the Board in that most would find lacking presently are hardly substantial enough to be calling them out as "completely incompetent".
I suspect ones expectations might not be aligned with reality considering the numerous challengers that have been faced by ANW and for the most part now overcome.