28,706 Posts.
1. EOC has DSO (direct shipping) thermal coal. just dig & ship. no coal preparation plant required
2. EOC plan to dig & ship 1.5mtpa
3. CLR plan to dig 5mtpa & ship 3.5mtpa. the yield is 70%
4. CLR obviously have high ash coking coal, which needs expensive wash plant to wash down the ash.
5. many companies, such as AQA's Washpool, have millions of tonnes of this high ash coking coal, from tenements BHP, RIO, etc, rejected
6. coal, unlike other minerals, has many varieties & alot of companies, like CLR, have junk coal
7. EOC will also drill for this junk coking coal because the market can't discern quality from junk
8. for education, try the link, including Post #: 6516760