Many of those stocks I do not have now or never had, KSS....ew...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 307
    Many of those stocks I do not have now or never had, KSS....ew never, Made on a JAT until one of the directors started giving free floor space.....desperation, PET aha, no way as that is a Dianna stock, made on’s like a yo-yo as in 13 cents to 18 cents, AB1....fantastic stock...follow the directors, IOT? The company that tried selling flying Dildos, I screamed from the rafters it was a con job, and I was dead right, SAS......I think this is a con but elaborate as needs $200,000,000 funding and I’m not, in early and put $400,000 into it, so fat it’s put $1.5 million in my account and the party is yet to start. But you left out CVN and that was a mega windfall as I can understand seismic data and could see the pay day. MEI, dabbled a small amount but got out before the drop. can I short it? It’s tied to dodgy home loans. The best stocks going into the future VRX, AB1,CVN...imho.
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