It's difficult to imagine how much more hated this stock can get than right now so soon after the RC which is why I bought in. Everyone is baking in armageddon as a near certainty. In think a lot of hurt is certain, but not armageddon for FIG.
Though I'm not as brave as you, but I got a handful. If my ~1% position turns into 2, 3 or 4% I'll be happy. If it gets wiped out or chopped in half its just a pothole in my portfolio not a sinkhole that swallows up the house.
I don't like playing too big on a single hand, even if I'm really confident. I prefer a portfolio approach and hope to have a small basket of these high risk high reward "dog" stocks as part of my portfolio.
It means I often leave a lot on the table but stops me from hating myself when I get it wrong.
Only need 6/10 of those dogs to come good (sometimes not even 5/10 if the upside is big enough), go for a run and I'm doing well.