My brother used to work for them and a good mate now does.......

  1. 3,587 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 100
    My brother used to work for them and a good mate now does.... They don't have any connections to stables, they don't care about what jockey's, trainers or owner tip......(in fact they completely ignore any white noise regarding this). They are methodical in their approach and have all sorts of algorithms etc and a very effective way to break down races and trials etc. My mate gave me the heads up about Weir 6 months ago as they picked up on abnormalities in their horses racing according to form etc.

    They work on the proviso to break square and their profit is all about rebates through betting formats.

    Sounds simple but believe me it's not, people who work for them still don't know the ins and outs of the operation, only what they are employed to do. The ATO came after Z and the others saying their profits were taxable but they successfully argued they were not and that it would cost hundreds of jobs.
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