"Horizon Power invites you to submit a response for a Request for Tender (RFT) to supply, construct, install and commission five utility off-grid power solutions in the Esperance region and other remote areas with a potential to supply additional off-grid infrastructure solutions subject to Horizon Power’s future demand.
Respondents of this tender are also invited to submit a response for a related tender, HP01709, which involves the Operation and Maintenance of Renewable Technologies, Associated Infrastructure and Services. This additional request seeks to establish a panel of contractors to perform operation and maintenance services with respect to (i) the new utility off-grid infrastructure to be delivered under HP01708 and (ii) supporting existing and future operate and maintain off-grid infrastructure requirements across regional Western Australia.
Respondents can choose to submit Offers for one or both Packages.
Responses must be lodged by 14:00WST on Monday, 25th June 2018"