DW8 1.67% 15.3¢ digital wine ventures limited

So what does everybody think of the first 17,000 bottle sale?...

  1. 1,082 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 43
    So what does everybody think of the first 17,000 bottle sale?

    The first of many sales to come one would have to imagine.

    Wouldn't it be nice to have a container of 17,000 bottles being shipped every week or for that mater 2 or 3 containers???

    Now there are lots of rumours being heard on the DW8 Grape Vine lately that once Mr Taylor officially takes the hat of Mr CEO that the grapes are ripe for the picking and many good things are about to happen.

    I hope he can bring a few other motivated grape pickers to the board so the rest of the current board can retire and stay at home and practice their home beer brewing skills because IMO their wine making skills are somewhat poor.
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