RUM 8.70% 2.5¢ rum jungle resources ltd

Did get something back on the ups and downs between 5&6cents,...

  1. 194 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Did get something back on the ups and downs between 5&6cents, but in reality it's a pittance. Hope you're right, and I do think there is something around the corner. Unfortunately that corner is still over the horizon. Basically, what we have now is the same as what we had a year ago.
    Same blokes trying to sell the same thing to the same people. Maybe splitting the assets might attract some attention but patience is wearing thin. Think if nothing comes up before the AGM, time to try a new salesman.
    Also think for them to ask for options after another year of a falling share price, is either the height of audacity or they have something worthwhile to announce shorty.....hopefully the latter.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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