ZNO 4.35% 2.4¢ zoono group limited

ABN 73 006 645 754 oldsearch Limited Level 420 Loftus...

  1. 2,253 Posts.
    ABN 73 006 645 754 oldsearch Limited Level 4
    20 Loftus Street
    NSW 2000
    Telephone: (02) 9241 5999 Fax: (02) 9241 5599
    email: [email protected] G
    20 April 2007
    The Manager - Company Announcements Office
    Australian Securities Exchange Limited
    Level 4
    20 Bridge Street
    SYDNEY NSW 2000
    Via ASX Online Number of pages – 15
    Dear Sir,
    Re: Quarterly activity report to 31 March 2007
    Enclosed for release to the market is the Company’s activity report for the quarter ended 31
    March 2007 together with a duly completed Appendix 5B report.
    For and on behalf of the directors of
    Goldsearch Limited
    P S Hewson
    G oldsearch Limited A.B.N.73 006 645 754 Telephone : (02) 9241 5999 Fax : (02) 9241 5599
    email: [email protected]
    Level 4
    20 Loftus Street
    NSW 2000
    (Quarter ended 31 March 2007)
    • Compilation of historical data for the Mary Kathleen
    Project, highlighted significant drilling results at
    Elaine Dorothy.
    • Preliminary access approval granted and physical
    exploration access currently being established at
    Mount Wellington.
    • Sandy Creek drilling program to commence soon.
    • East Musgrave joint venture agreement finalised
    with Independence Group and BHP Billiton.
    MARY KATHLEEN PROJECT (Goldsearch earning 75%)
    (uranium, copper, gold)
    The Mary Kathleen Project is a joint venture between Goldsearch Limited and Central West Gold NL.
    Goldsearch is currently earning a 75% interest in the project.
    Unfortunately, during the early part of the March 2007 quarter, much of the planned field-based
    exploration activities were delayed due to particularly heavy seasonal rainfall.
    Elaine Dorothy target
    As recently announced to the ASX on 11 April 2007, during the March quarter, Goldsearch was able to
    locate a number of key historical reports which detail drilling programs and results at the Elaine
    Dorothy prospect completed by previous explorers. The programs, which consisted of both percussion
    and diamond drilling, were completed in two phases. The first phase was undertaken by Mineral
    Ventures NL in 1955. The second phase was undertaken in 1978-1979 by Mary Kathleen Uranium
    Ltd, the operators of the former Mary Kathleen Uranium Mine.
    The Elaine Dorothy prospect is located approximately 6 kilometres south of the Mary Kathleen Uranium
    Mine which has produced a total of 8,882 tonnes of uranium between 1958 and 1963 and a second
    phase between 1975 and 1982.
    Goldsearch has been able to compile all of this data and confirm in the field the position of a number of
    the holes in order to accurately position all holes relative to the four holes (MKRC01-04) drilled by
    Goldsearch in December 2006.
    The previous results are considered encouraging as they define a continuous zone of U3O8
    mineralisation over a strike length of approximately 500 metres. Better results in the previous drilling
    include 2.3 metres @ 0.262% U3O8 from 26 metres in hole ED2, 9.5 metres @ 0.036% U3O8 from
    13.5 metres in hole ED4 and 2 metres @ 0.134% U3O8 from 100 metres in hole ED11 (Figure One).
    Figure One: Elaine Dorothy Zone, surface projection of drill holes.
    This zone is open to the north-west and down dip/plunge (Figure Two) and Goldsearch believes
    further drilling is required to fully evaluate the potential of this zone as only a limited amount of drilling
    appears to have been completed to date, particularly towards the north western end of the system.
    Elaine Dorothy - Drill Hole location data
    Hole North (GDA94 Z54) East (GDA94 Z54) Dip Azimuth Total depth
    metres metres degrees degrees metres
    MKRC01 7699413 398344 -60 204 132
    MKRC02 7699413 398344 -80 220 138
    MKRC03 7699445 398348 -60 244 132
    MKRC04 7699444 398346 -70 160 126
    ED1 7699389 398346 -90 - 61
    ED2 7699408 398313 -90 - 68
    ED3 7699441 398270 -90 - 106
    ED4 7699415 398275 -90 - 39
    ED5 7699408 398344 -60 160 49
    ED11 7699457 398225 -90 - 122
    ED12 7699526 398250 -70 171 272.5
    ED13 7699472 398332 -70 171 166
    ED14 7699525 398185 -75 171 212
    EP1 7699530 398060 -70 171 184
    EP4 7699590 397940 -70 171 130
    Elaine Dorothy drilling results
    MKRC01 53 57 4 0.013
    MKRC02 56 57 1 0.019
    MKRC03 84 85 1 0.015
    MKRC03 94 100 6 0.012
    MKRC04 67 72 5 0.011
    MKRC04 83 84 1 0.047
    ED2 26 28 2 0.262
    ED4 13.5 23 9.5 0.036
    ED3 55 57 2 0.050
    ED3 63 64 1 0.143
    ED11 100 102 2 0.134
    ED11 106.5 107 0.5 0.100
    ED12 148 156 8 0.026
    ED14 150 151 1 0.025
    ED14 160 169 9 0.017
    EP1 32 34 2 0.011
    EP1 46 48 2 0.010
    EP4 104 106 2 0.015
    EP4 118 122 4 0.012
    * Note U3O8 values are in some cases calculated values based on an element to oxide conversion factor of 1.179.
    Figure Two: Elaine Dorothy drill section 398250mE
    MacGregor target
    During the March quarter further reconnaissance mapping and prospecting in the MacGregor target
    area defined an apparent structurally controlled zone of oxide copper mineralisation hosted by the
    prospective black shale sequence. It is proposed to test this zone at depth as part of forthcoming
    drilling programs.
    Regional targets
    Reconnaissance exploration was also completed at a number of other targets during the March quarter
    including the Prince of Wales and Pindora target areas.
    Forward programs
    Goldsearch currently expects to complete a program of drilling at Mary Kathleen Project during the
    June 2007 quarter with further drilling scheduled for the September 2007 quarter. The drilling, which is
    subject to relevant approvals, will be completed at both the MacGregor and Elaine Dorothy targets.
    First pass exploration activities will also commence at a number of regional targets during the June
    2007 quarter.
    MOUNT WELLINGTON PROJECT (100% Goldsearch)
    Figure Three: Mount Wellington regional geology and main prospects
    At Mount Wellington, Goldsearch is currently working towards final government approvals from both
    relevant forestry and minerals sections of the Department of Primary Industries. Preliminary approval
    to re-establish access tracks has been granted with this work commencing and it is expected that
    approvals will be finalised in April and exploration activities will commence immediately. These
    programs include detailed mapping and a program of IP geophysics at the Rhyolite Hill target.
    Goldsearch hopes to commence drilling at Rhyolite Hill during the June 2007 quarter prior to winter
    months when access to the area is restricted.
    Previous exploration conducted at Rhyolite Hill has identified significant gold and silver mineralisation
    associated with an extensive precious and base metals alteration system. Better drilling results at
    Rhyolite Hill by previous explorers are 12.6 metres at 1.01 grams/tonne gold from six metres in hole
    RCK002 and 32 metres at 27.25 grams/tonne silver and 0.32 grams/tonne gold from 69.5 metres in
    hole RCK003.
    Goldsearch is currently awaiting the outcome of negotiations for an Indigenous Land Use Agreement
    (ILUA) between the Mineral Council of Australia (Victoria) and native title parties which is relevant to its
    application for EL 4835. EL 4835 covers the Hill 800 prospect where drilling by previous explorers has
    returned numerous encouraging drilling results (Figure Four). Goldsearch currently anticipates
    completion of native title negotiations by the middle of 2007.
    Hole ID East (GDA94 zone 55) North (GDA94 zone 55) Intercept
    HEC1 444767.21 5868594.33 33 4.3 0 33
    HEC8 444779.04 5868580.88 27 1.83 0 27
    HEC13 444783.07 5868670.54 13 10.88 0 13
    incl. 3 38.76 0 3
    HEC18 444810.24 5868737.51 22 1.35 38 60
    HEC45 444767.21 5868606.02 25 4.72 3 28
    HEC48 444749.63 5868735.97 18 5.06 86 104
    HEC49 444755.16 5868730.15 28 4.45 79 107
    HEC8 444779.04 5868580.88 27 1.83 0 27
    HED1 444769.74 5868585.84 32.2 4.28 0.5 32.7
    7 22.05 184 191
    incl. 1 122 188 189
    incl. 1 28.9 184 185
    Significant drill results Hill 800 Prospect.
    Figure Four: Oblique drill section Mount Wellington, Hill 800 Prospect.
    The Mount Wellington project covers an area of Cambrian age volcanic rocks in central-eastern
    Victoria where work by previous explorers has identified a number of areas of encouraging precious
    and base metal mineralisation. These rocks, and the styles of mineralisation identified, have
    numerous similarities to the Mount Read metallogenic province of Western Tasmania. Based on these
    similarities, the Mount Wellington belt has been considered by many to represent geological
    equivalents to the Mount Read area.
    SANDY CREEK PROJECT (100% Goldsearch)
    Final preparation work for the proposed drilling program to test the high grade O’Dells gold target on
    EL 4812 has been completed and drilling is now expected to commence within the next week as the
    arrival on site of the drilling rig has been slightly delayed. The program is planned to test the potential
    for additional high grade mineralisation to be located, based on the interpreted structural controls of the
    known mineralisation. Historical production from a number of small mines in the Sandy Creek area in
    the late 1800’s and early 1900’s is estimated to be 72,000 tonnes at an average grade of 50 grams per
    tonne gold.
    BLOODS RANGE (Goldsearch earning 70%))
    (gold, copper)
    During the March 2007 quarter Goldsearch withdrew from the joint venture over EL 5701. Goldsearch
    still retains various rights over a total of nine exploration licence applications in this region.
    MUSGRAVE BLOCK SOUTH AUSTRALIA – (49% Goldsearch, 51% Independence Group –
    BHP Billiton earning 65%)
    (nickel, copper, gold)
    During the March 2007 quarter, and as announced to ASX on the 16 February 2007, Goldsearch
    finalised the proposed East Musgrave joint venture arrangement with Independence Group and BHP
    As part of the arrangement, Independence Group was to issue Goldsearch with 200,000 fully paid IGO
    ordinary shares. The issue of these shares has now been finalised.
    Anthropological work has been ongoing over four priority tenement areas and, the joint venture is
    confident that approvals for exploration access are imminent.
    Technical information contained in this report was prepared by Mr Greg Duncan and Mr Heath Hellewell, Consulting Geologists,
    who are Members of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and/or Geological Society of Australia, and accurately
    reflects the information compiled by them. Mr Duncan has in excess of 20 years relevant experience in mineral exploration and
    mine development, Mr Hellewell has 15 years of relevant experience, and they qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the
    2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”.
    Mr Duncan and Mr Hellewell consent to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on their information in the form and
    context in which it appears.
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 1
    Rule 5.3
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98. 30/9/2001
    Name of entity
    Goldsearch Limited
    ABN Quarter ended (“current quarter”)
    73 006 645 754 31 March 2007
    Consolidated statement of cash flows
    Cash flows related to operating activities
    Current quarter
    Year to date (9.months)
    1.1 Receipts from product sales and related debtors
    - -
    1.2 Payments for (a) exploration and evaluation
    (b) development
    (c) production
    (d) administration
    1.3 Dividends received 9 20
    1.4 Interest and other items of a similar nature received 16 66
    1.5 Interest and other costs of finance paid - -
    1.6 Income taxes paid - -
    1.7 Other – JV Income - 25
    Net operating cash flows (403) (1,173)
    Cash flows related to investing activities
    1.8 Payment for
    purchases of: (a) prospects
    (b) equity investments
    (c) other fixed assets
    1.9 Proceeds from
    sale of: (a) prospects
    (b) equity investments
    (c) other fixed assets
    1.10 Loans to other entities - -
    1.11 Loans repaid by other entities - -
    1.12 Other (provide details if material) - -
    Net investing cash flows 158 459
    1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows (carried
    forward) (245) (714)
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    Appendix 5B Page 2 1/7/98*
    1.13 Total operating and investing cash flows (brought
    forward) (245) (714)
    Cash flows related to financing activities
    1.14 Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc. 227 227
    1.15 Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares - -
    1.16 Proceeds from borrowings - -
    1.17 Repayment of borrowings - -
    1.18 Dividends paid - -
    1.19 Other (provide details if material) – issue costs - -
    Net financing cash flows 227 227
    Net increase (decrease) in cash held (18) (487)
    1.20 Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date 1,344 1,813
    1.21 Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20 - -
    1.22 Cash at end of quarter 1,326 1,326
    Payments to directors of the entity and associates of the directors
    Payments to related entities of the entity and associates of the related entities
    Current quarter
    1.23 Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in item 1.2 77
    1.24 Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item 1.10 -
    1.25 Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions
    - Directors’ fees & expenses 68,514
    - Directors’ superannuation 5,086
    - Legal fees paid to Landerer & Company ( J Landerer) 3,044
    Non-cash financing and investing activities
    2.1 Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect on consolidated assets and
    liabilities but did not involve cash flows
    2.2 Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their share in projects in which the reporting
    entity has an interest
    On 16 March 2007 Independence Group NL issued the Company 200,000 IGO shares as consideration to
    complete the earning of a 51% of the East Musgrave Project.
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 3
    Financing facilities available
    Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.
    Amount available
    Amount used
    3.1 Loan facilities Nil N/A
    3.2 Credit standby arrangements N/A N/A
    Estimated cash outflows for next quarter
    4.1 Exploration and evaluation 350
    4.2 Development -
    Total 350
    Reconciliation of cash
    Reconciliation of cash at the end of the quarter (as shown in
    the consolidated statement of cash flows) to the related items
    in the accounts is as follows.
    Current quarter
    Previous quarter
    5.1 Cash on hand and at bank 1,280 1,298
    5.2 Deposits at call 46 46
    5.3 Bank overdraft
    5.4 Other (provide details)
    Total: cash at end of quarter (item 1.22) 1,326 1,344
    Changes in interests in mining tenements
    Nature of interest (note (2)) Interest at
    beginning of
    Interest at end of
    6.1 Interests in mining
    tenements relinquished,
    reduced or lapsed
    EL 5701
    West Bloods
    Range, NT
    East Musgrave
    Project, SA
    (EL 2910 and EL
    3031; ELAs
    262/96; 336-
    343/96; 534/96
    and ELA 35/99)
    Joint venture with
    Allender/Hosking/ LeBrun
    syndicate over exploration
    licence covering an area of 569
    square kilometres. Goldsearch
    withdrew from the joint venture
    in January 2007
    15 South Australian mineral
    tenements covering a total area
    of 17,331 square kilometres –
    Independence Group (IGO)
    completed earning a 51%
    interest in the project tenements
    during the quarter prior to a new
    joint venture with BHP Billiton.
    LeBrun - 100%
    with Goldsearch
    earning 75%
    Goldsearch 100%
    with Independence
    Group earning 51%
    Goldsearch - 49%;
    IGO - 51% with
    BHP Billiton
    earning up to 65%
    and Goldsearch
    and IGO diluting to
    17.15% & 17.85%
    6.2 Interests in mining
    tenements acquired or
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    Appendix 5B Page 4 1/7/98*
    Issued and quoted securities at end of current quarter
    Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights together with prices and dates.
    Total number Number quoted Issue price per
    security (cents)
    (see note 3)
    Amount paid up per
    security (cents)
    (see note 3)
    7.1 Preference +securities
    7.2 Changes during quarter
    (a) Increases through
    (b) Decreases through
    returns of capital, buybacks,
    7.3 +Ordinary securities 279,347,422 279,347,422 N/A N/A
    7.4 Changes during quarter
    (a) Increases through
    issues – (exercise of
    quoted options)
    (b) Decreases through
    returns of capital, buybacks
    7.5 +Convertible debt
    securities (description)
    7.6 Changes during quarter
    (a) Increases through
    (b) Decreases through
    securities matured,
    7.7 Options
    Listed options
    Unlisted options:
    Exercise price
    5.0 cents
    5.5 cents
    7.5 cents
    10.0 cents
    5.0 cents
    7.5 cents
    Expiry date
    31 October 2007
    30 June 2007
    30 June 2008
    30 June 2009
    31 January 2010
    31 January 2010
    7.8 Issued during quarter Nil
    7.9 Exercised during
    quarter – Listed options
    5.0 cents
    31 October 2007
    7.10 Expired during quarter N/A
    7.11 Debentures
    (totals only)
    7.12 Unsecured notes
    (totals only)
    Appendix 5B
    Mining exploration entity quarterly report
    + See chapter 19 for defined terms.
    30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 5
    Compliance statement
    1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which comply with
    accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act or other standards acceptable
    to ASX (see note 4).
    2 This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.
    Sign here: Date: 20 April 2007
    (Company secretary)
    Print name: P S Hewson
    1 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the entity’s
    activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect on its cash position.
    An entity wanting to disclose additional information is encouraged to do so, in a note
    or notes attached to this report.
    2 The “Nature of interest” (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in respect of interests in
    mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during the reporting period. If the
    entity is involved in a joint venture agreement and there are conditions precedent
    which will change its percentage interest in a mining tenement, it should disclose the
    change of percentage interest and conditions precedent in the list required for items
    6.1 and 6.2.
    3 Issued and quoted securities The issue price and amount paid up is not required in
    items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities.
    4 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for Extractive
    Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report.
    5 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of International
    Accounting Standards for foreign entities. If the standards used do not address a topic,
    the Australian standard on that topic (if any) must be complied with.
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