Gyro, "There is no place for guns in our urban environments....

  1. 10,075 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10

    "There is no place for guns in our urban environments.

    Responsible people who live on the land still have a rifle under lock and key.


    That is the only place guns should be allowed in Australia!!"

    I currently live in what I guess could be an urban centre. ( 80,000 odd people) originally from a small country town.

    I am a licenced Gun owner, ( always have been ) as is my Brother, my Father and our Grand father, great Grand father was also a gun owner and Hunter.

    I was taught to hunt and respect guns from when I was around 6 years old, by my Father and Grand Father.

    What we hunt we eat, and have had many many memorable family experiences camping/ hunting/ fishing etc and still do.

    As far I am concerned no one has the right to take these moments / life / family experiences away from any law abiding gun owners.

    The law abiding legal gun owner is the only group of people that will be called to task 're any gun laws made or changed etc, it's a soft easy target for Pollies and a real vote winner.

    The main problem we have in this day and age in regards to voilence is society itself, this particular issue is all to hard for Pollies to address and will most definitely not receive any real air time what so ever, theres to many dwellers in leafy green burbs that could be offended.

    Society is going down the shiter and it's most defiantly not any legal gun owners fault and to even think that removing legal guns from society will solve the issues of violence in society is complete and utter rubbish, and just vote grabbing bullshit from Pollies.

    I have no issues with Australia's gun laws at present, they serve there purpose, but it still has done very little to curb the over all issue of violence in our community / society.

    The big issues are all to hard for Pollies and PC / taking offence / hate speech laws etc which basically make the big issues unspeakable, illegal to discuss will never change.

    A prime example is violence in Aborignal communities, this matter cannot be discussed what so ever,
    How do you solve a problem without first admitting there is one?

    Shhh nothing to see here.

    Get stuck into the legal gun owners though, their a nice soft vote winning target.

    It's all smoke and mirrors bullshit, peddled by pathetic yellowbacked Pollies the western world over.
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