Kylie, whether or not the 5 mark is stacked or not will tell easily if decent bites start to be taken of that mark.
What I do find encouraging is the higher volume being traded at the 4 mark. Should this move significantly in the 5 mark then something may be afoot or even possibly word of mouth information being passed around.
Should CXY win their matter and get decent compensation in the realms of what they are seeking, then that of course would be 'cash' to a multiple of 5X or so of the present Cap.
Whilst I wouldn't expect the Market to go as far as that multiple in SP it may suggest a multiple of present.
The three up turn factors here I am waiting for are (in no particular order)
Whilst the maiden JORC at MacKenzie was good news, the present Coal market in general is not. I would much prefer them to utilize what Coal assets they have being utilized in UCG projects.
This was posted by dashjt in the CNX thread, it is an article by and not all of it can be seen as it is a subscription site, however what is available is interesting none the less