Originally posted by Zammita
If vanadium is discovered here, it is low grade and may not be economical to produce.
Vanadium has been already discovered there, even long time ago. That's why all tenements have been taken by explorers.
Low grade?
I recommend you to read the document which I gave the link above.
it says;
"Metallurgical testwork has shown that the coquina ore averaging 0.25% V2O5 can be readily and efficiently beneficiated to a 1.4% V2O5 concentrate via wet scrubbing, trommelling and cycloning."
In vanadium business the in-concentrate grade is more important than in-situ grade. as you can see above the in-concentrate grade they achieved in that area is 1.4% and it's is higher than in-concentrate grade of AVL and TMT which is 1.2% to 1.3%.
And the ore of vanadium in Toolebuc formation is at top layer and widespread. Couple of explorers there are now working to find the best way of processing technique, and that's what I am watching. It is also explained on that document above if you dare to read it.