Good Would Wood that Could, page-4

  1. 7,611 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 28
    Pre script,,, LOL and thank you
    Very little is "safe" these days @float^
    But if it works,,and dont fubar you,
    or those around you,
    Then a fine idea is a precursor to better ideas
    Problem is that there are way to may that graduated form the
    Collage of "Richard Cranium" Es Quir,
    And do some real "Ding Dong Things"
    All over the place....
    DYOR and all that jazz,
    One is gettin way to old for this sheet.

    'Case in point"

    Fracking was bad enough when it was about liquid,,

    Now "they wanna frack gas"

    The free power comes from the power of stars,

    The worst thing is "F**King Frakin" the GAS
    The Gas of this rock is Methane,,,
    Methane is the ultimate Green house Builing block...
    Oh also think
    DEEEP LUNGS,,,..
    Think water and moisture transfer,.
    Think,,, about your lungs...
    They have tiny sacks,,that breath,
    Thaey have tiny sacks,that transfer,,moisture and gases,,
    Now blow those sacks to bits,,,.
    The moisture you need to live,( as in ground water,that feeds the wells) now full of methane,,that kills
    .............................................the swells of any bread grain that could grow,
    Economy of scale,,,
    Is not about what you know,,,
    But whan not to sheet in ya own back yard,,,
    Is that so hard?
    Few will read this or get it anyway..
    But thats ones response,
    And that is ones say.
    All the best,,,
    DYOR,,and all that jazz.
    one knows ya smart so will not say it twice,
    Think about it and you will gain nouse.
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