Yep there is goood woood and sheet wood, @WildOne
Many folks think if it burns its ok,
But the creosote can fubar a stack,
BTDT ( been there done that,) "gum" is full of it,
and many house have burned down form a chim fire,that shoots flames out like a blow torch through every old crack
Na would never toss such woood,even if one could into the water,
The tannin stuff up the river pH.
and what more,,,
Have seen so many drongos store wood away in a shed,,,
Wood needs up to five years to age once cut,
it needs to get wet and dry and wet and dry,
to leach out the muck,
Then Ya get
Lots of bang for the buck,
Very little muck
The stuff that gets sold is total sheet
one is told,
One tends to got out
Here and there and about,
and gather
and garner,
Like a mad squirrel after nuts
to store up some rubbish
That in winter warms the guts.