Well hot damn m'am - that looks like the original deal with the devil you've found there
You'd have to admit this is more evidence that they remain partners more than do the full company ticker merge thing though. Wouldn't you?
As you say - they are basically 2 companies operating as one.
This is exactly as I see it. Absolutely anything and everything is up for a JV ( including SDV - even the percentage up for grabs in SDV looks right on track with the agreement where you underlined it).
If GMM does buy into SDV - the medium term future looks even better than it is now for GMM shareholders. He'd be on track to do for us what he did for Northern Star. Even better.
Couldn't be better for both companies.
btw: That Australasian Gold thing was from a Fotios bio piece
"Australasian survived, emerging within six months after an asset sell-off and later rebuilding value as the tantalum producer which morphed into Galaxy Resources."
Just how it "morphed" into Galaxy who knows - morphing can be weird - ask my wife - but it could have been via asset sales, personnel etc rather than a strict ticker change.
Just parked outside Michael Fotios' house right now. Binoculars seem to suggest he likes reality TV shows, nope, now he has his laptop open and he's surfing...this...exact...thread....