Sourced somewhere on Gateway Pundit: Did Muslim congresswoman...

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    Sourced somewhere on Gateway Pundit:

    Did Muslim congresswoman marry her brother and commit immigration fraud?
    By Leah Rosenberg
    February 20, 2019 Share on Facebook  Tweet

    Ilhan Omar is an antisemitic, anti-American congresswoman. And now, there is strong evidence that she actually committed immigration fraud!
    Immigration Fraud

    Immigration fraud is a serious felony – for ANYONE to commit.
    But the fact that strong proof shows that Ilhan Omar married her brother and committed immigration fraud is another level.
    She is someone who is in congress and should be representing the American people and upholding American values.
    But that is the opposite of what she does.
    Omar should be protecting the American people. But she has not lived up to that expectation.
    It is frightening that she is still a congresswoman. How did anyone vote her into congress?
    Why do Americans look past her racism and anti-american values?
    This digging has been going for some 2 years and stands as neither here nor there (?).
    AOC funds mismanagement probe has just been filed.
    Hope by 2020 all will be revealed.

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