We'll have to wait for NoBoDe to explain, but from my reading...

  1. 4,089 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    We'll have to wait for NoBoDe to explain, but from my reading the dog had a fair amount of cottage cheese etc. which would have been protein - nuts, too, contain protein.  My little cat was a pure meat-eater, kangaroo meat it was and never a lot - she was a moderate eater and she ate slowly - always slim, never ill - perhaps a lesson to be learnt for us humans, too.

    The latest addition to my family is grand-dog 'Ziggi' - belongs to one of my daughters, a mini Schnauzer and she regularly gets raw broccoli stalks, loves them, but has the usual mix of dried pet food and 'sausage' meat - and the odd bit of cheese.

    I am happy to just be dog-sitting now and then, would not want the constant worry and care of a resident dog or cat - they do tie  one down.

    Have just done a 4-week stint of puppy-sitting and found myself missing her - still do, but it is an extra responsibility.

    go well


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