Not pig headed mate, you just realise the FA and story hasn't changed (it's actually gotten better over time with some key milestones around funding etc.).
Buying this at 2c today is no different to 2c 6 months ago, or 12 months ago - the upside potential is massive, especially by comparison to the downside ratio this is attractive - we all know it, it's why we hold.
The down rampers have had a full 12 months of trolling and picking about flaws and delays, and frankly, there hasn't been much to rattle the cage in that time, so unless the down ramper just need another year to find something to make it worth selling, I'll just hold onto what is a great RvR and made more attractive every day by a falling market and rising gold.
P.S. - No point asking him any questions, he is simply a troll, is immature, terrible posts and never any real information or discussion to contribute. His last post is probably the most IQ I have ever seen out of him, and that's saying something. Not saying this because I just want to bash down rampers, saying it because I've been listening to him for a year on VEC now and he has never changed. I have witnessed every attempt imaginable to reason, argue, abuse, whatever ... doesn't matter, his goal is to create uncertainty and tarnish Jason Brewer's name, not hard to see through it and frankly I think he has been fairly ineffective to date.