Just reading the Tasman Notice re the purchase of Meteore Metals.
Guy LePage is a Director of Tasman, Fission, Standard Nickel and GTLP.
GTLP introduces Standard Nickel to Fission.
Why are we paying a Director extra for introducing an opportunity? I thought that was part of their job.
Fission are issuing a big thank you (10,000,000 shares @ 20c) to LePage's company; GTLP for the introduction
They are also issuing the same amount to another company Tadea for the introduction
That's $4m for the introduction!!!!
Why didn't LePage as Director of the target company(ies) approach Fission (or in fact talk to himself!!!)
It's all very Solomon like again
There are only every one class of winners in this company and they look out of the window