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Originally posted by gallea
Sorry if I am mistaken, but if you google ASX ALT and select MAX on the graph and go to the beginning of the graph it was $3.40 on October 27, 2000.
Even if you bought at 50 cents, at the current 1 or 1.1 cents that is a pretty indifferent showing over 15 years! ALT have had the products, but not the marketing skills. At this price, ALT is ripe for a takeover by someone who recognises the Pericoach needs a multimillion dollar product launch in several countries with a much bigger market, and probably manufacturing offshore in much larger quantities than the Australian facility is able to produce. I do so hope 1 cent proves to be the bottom!! Fed up with trying to catch falling knives!
yes, you are mistaken - you don't understand how share splits affect past prices - nobody has ever paid $3.40 for ALT shares....
good luck with throwing your money down the ALT toilet.....