Well im back from the cooler
I have been inundated with emails, but if you are interested and have not contacted me yet there's still time.
[email protected]
Welcome back from the Sin Bin Grolph.
Yesterday I received a letter from Mr Ben Secrett, Principal Advisor. ASX Listing Compliance ( PERTH ‘.
Within this letter he advised that they were allowing FMS a De Listing vote via an ordinary resolution as
they received confirmation from FMS on December 10th that there’s no commercial agreement between FMS
and Todd’s BBI Group.
Thanks to cosmicz WAs and BBIG rail agreement posted last night, I have been able to reply to him ( and ASIC )
that if FMS have no commercial aggreements with Todd/BBI then why were they building a railway into FMSs
PIOP tenement while their denying there’s any agreement between these parties. Especially as there are common directors in both companies. Surely, this must now kill off this farcical ordinary resolution vote.