Forex Trading 2018- TA/FA- Setups and discussion, page-4942

  1. 2,311 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 534
    Agreed - from a percentage perspective, it's definitely harder to go up (gaining 10% after losing 10% does not put you back where you started!). Not sure if that makes it harder or if it's just a psychology thing? I guess to get the same pips back, you need to risk more (relative to account size). Sharks' statistical mind probably knows whether or not that's bro science

    And yup, got a few demos running too, but I am just horrible with sitting on cash - it's a bit twisted, but I would rather lose it and learn than have it sit there doing nothing, all about school of hard knocks, it has served me well so far I guess, it's an abusive relationship but I keep going back.

    I might have to give trade view a proper look in soon - I've just 'registered interest' there, is that right, or is there somewhere you can just download it?
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