Hi Zest, sorry to hear you had a bad experience with that...

  1. 8,420 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 59

    Hi Zest, sorry to hear you had a bad experience with that Martingale signal. Although by the sound of it maybe it's not actually the signal but issues related to your VPN setup?

    i have been thinking about subscribing to a VPN service recently myself. I posted some time ago I didn't experienced any issues with running my EA's on my home wifi but recently I have started to see some issues. It wasn't until I ran the same EA on my laptop (connected to my network router via wifi) and on my desktop (connected to my network router via cable (which I assumed would give me better data throughout) that I started noticing differences which led to trades being taken on the laptop but not on the desktop. I noticed on the desktop terminal that there were regular instances of data missing that was there on the laptop and those data lapses caused trades to either be missed or triggered incorrectly. It has made me re-think the value of subscribing to a VPN. All this found out running an EA on demo mode (I run my live EA on my laptop and haven't had any issues - it seems contrary to my intuition the signal on the laptop via wifi is better than on my desktop via cable). 

    The other change I have decided to make is run my EA's on tick mode rather than bar mode - I am find the cost of slippage using bar mode too high.

    So while I originally thought running my EA's via my home network would be ok, I am now of the view that I probably need a VPN service if I am going to scale to 8-10 EA's each running on multiple markets on multiple accounts.

    Cheers, Sharks

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