hahaha, don't underestimate what bores me I think you'd be...

  1. 2,311 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 534
    hahaha, don't underestimate what bores me I think you'd be surprised!

    Yeah you definitely sound like me, I feel like the most stressful thing in my life is sitting still! Although unlike you it is reflected in my trading - for ASX anyway - I dance between all strategies from long term holds to day trading. I don't wed myself to a single strategy but move around depending on what market is doing, where I see the best opportunity/ROI/RvR, how much time I have, and where the capital is currently tethered - I'm sure if anyone peeked inside my brain when I'm trading they would shake their head, it's truly a wonder I've remained profitable as I feel I break most of the rules in the book lol. But truth be told something I really want to try and reign in and become more consistent with - I guess i'm still new (relatively) so trying to find where my path lies.

    But I love the side business stuff mate, here's a quick snapshot of what I'm into at the moment other than ASX/FX;

    I got really curious about drop shipping earlier this year and spent a solid 4 months laser focused on teaching myself online marketing and building websites etc. with my mate who's a dev, We got it to a really good place but then got burnt out by it, so have put it on hold for the last few months despite it being almost 'ready to go' with a hard launch, but might get back into it in the new year, we'll see.

    I've been running a networking marketing business the last year and a half, but not traditionally, I just leverage my online marketing (mostly adwords) experience and drive traffic to my consultant website leveraging brand awareness, it's not hugely profitable, maybe $800 last month, but it's the most 'hands off' thing I have so it's works out alright for me.

    Working full time. Bane of my existence, but unfortunately pays too much to drop the habit at this stage.

    My goal is to get myself into a position with a large enough buffer and consistent enough revenue that it makes sense to leave my job and just start pursing these sort of ventures ('5 year plan'), whether it's trading or otherwise, absolutely love it - life's too short to not live stimulated and free I reckon.
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