Has anyone experimented with Heikin Ashi charts? I've been...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    Has anyone experimented with Heikin Ashi charts? I've been hopeless at forex, but I looked at HA charts over the last week, and it seems straightforward. Just enter the next day after a reversal candle. The main problem is flat periods. To deal with that, make a rule like "only 2 trades after a dud trade". Then wait for a big move before starting to play with that pair again. Regarding entries, it is interesting to see that the next day after a reversal candle, the pair will often go strongly in the wrong direction for a while, so you wait for that, or wait for it to get near a big EMA (200 or 500), then enter on a 5min HA candle in your direction. Here's a randomly picked recent example. GJ had a red daily candle after a series of greens and a doji, so the next day was the entry. Here's the daily, then the 5 min:

    HA GJ daily.JPG

    HA entry GJ.JPG
    Last edited by Martin Gifford: 13/11/18
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