So I'm still in 5 out of 8 trades from last night with paper...

  1. 5,012 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    So I'm still in 5 out of 8 trades from last night with paper bets. That US news stopped me out of three of them. But it's true that it's much more relaxing doing 4 hour chart. Set and forget. Have to wait a week to see if it pays off.

    One dude 70 bagged his account in one month? How is that even possible? Is it real? I can imagine it in one year, but not one month. You would have to be a genius, in which case, why bother entering the competition?

    I suppose one way is FA. If you were certain that EUR/AUD, for example, was going to rise 500 pips for some FA reason, then you can just keep adding to your position with large bets on each pull-back.
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