Since there hasn't been any further discussion, I must presume...

  1. 2,959 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21
    Since there hasn't been any further discussion, I must presume that it isn't feasible to program a company server to act as temporary ISP provider to the Internet. Yet a company server can act as an ISP provider to a companies Intranet and then you can roam the Internet.

    "I'm actually look into entering a web page in a legit way with its server accepting and storing my details and on leaving the web page or logging out, it returns me to my ISP provider. As an example if I log into my Suncorp account it disconnect me from my ISP provider - Suncorp server (act as a temporary ISP provider) retains relevant info to reconnect me to my ISP on logging out.

    The other alternative is for Suncorp server to to deceive my ISP provider believing that it still has a virtual connection to my PC with zero data being transferred. When in actual fact data transfer is between my PC and Suncorp server. Once I log off, I regain an actual connection to my ISP provider.

    Is it feasible to program a server to actually behave as mentioned above, or is it a just a fanciful dream?"

    Radicool Views
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