Sounds like Star Wars and matrix references. It is a shift. It's about looking to being more confident about why im buying something at a price rather than the gambling mentality thats been going on for quite a while. Considering the amount of time spent at the roulette table it sounds like a good idea to me.
It's also proving helpful to know what not to pay any attention to. Stuff that just just clogs the head with useless information. I'm enjoying it so far. Most of what im reading is common sense stuff. Time will tell if its useful i guess.
Hope you dont mind Ive decided to bring our conversation over to the General thread with a non interesting thread title. You probably noticed that members thought the title General Chat in the Lounge was actually a sub thread that had been taken over.
The disturbance is real
It might disappear in all the noise so I think if you click Watch Thread you get notifications. I think.