As an aside, and on reflection, with a little indulgence, this is certainly shaping up to be some sort of milestone
event, not only for Oilex but for Indian energy supply as well. I just reminded myself why I got involved with Oilex in
the first place some 4 long years ago. It was primarily because of the shale fraccing technology and subsequent
boom in shale gas and oil in the US. It is incredible to think that within 10-15 years, the US will be energy self
sufficient as a result ONLY of shale oil & gas being added to reserves. That is mind blowing; a seismic shift in
Geo politics. Admittedly some great basins that are amenable to fraccing have been discovered--the Eagle Ford
Shale, the Bakken Shale, the Marcellus Shale to name some. The US remains the ONLY shale oil/gas producer
{of any significant quantity} in the World, I think China produces a bit and some other country also. Many
countries now, including Australia, have vast POTENTIAL basins amenable to fracturing.
So after 4 years, the failure of 76H, numerous capital raisings, a fall in the SP from 55c to 4c, senior management
changes and further dilution, here we are! We stand on the cusp of perhaps unlocking a potential Eagle Ford or
similar and launching a new shale gas/oil boom in India for IT to become the second largest producer behind the
US. A lot at stake here, both for Oilex and India.
Fingers crossed for all holders as we near the finish line of what will be hopefully, ground breaking flow rates from
77H. If we get anywhere near 6mmscfd then the SP should be re-rated to about 40-50c imo. 4mmscfd and about
25c-35c, that's if we are not taken over beforehand. Magna definetely lurks and manipulates maybe? The war will
be on if the SP appreciates PRIOR to final flow test results ie. Some good results or shows in the clean up fluid
being recovered during flow back.
Interesting times ahead, the Indian Safari draws to a close, one way or the other.