Just to repeat myself:
To me it looks like PBT434 works at least in 3 different ways in mitochondria:
1. It improves production of ATP in complex I ( and possibly other similar structures in mitochondria) as too much of iron hampers energy production, change of ADP to ATP.
2. It reduces mitochondrial fragmentation caused by too much iron
3. It could work also as mdivi-1 as mitochondrion division inhibitor as many quinazolinones do.
But the paper by Huang XT et al ( Oct 31st, 2018 ) tells that 58 mitochondria associated proteins were significantly altered by iron overload. So what is the effect on them by PBT434 is at this time unknown but getting rid of too much iron by PBT434 can IMO be only a good thing.
As you know Prana has not studied the effect of PBT434 in mitochondria. So how I think PBT434 works is not based on any studies done by Prana or any other laboratory. My opinion is based on the Huang paper and other papers which did not study at all PBT434.
But to convince us as share owners Prana has presented so far the PBT434 paper by Finkelstein et al 1.5 years ago and now in Oct. in the Hong Kong meeting the MSA animal study with robust positive effect. This kind of changes what is told in these papers presented by Prana strongly (IMO) support that the efficacy of PBT434 happens on the mitochondrion level.
The first mdivi-1 paper by Cassidy-Stone over 10 y ago presents "
mdivi-1 represents a class of therapeutics for stroke, myocardial infarction, and neurodegenerative diseases".
This statement is today supported widely in the experimental scientific literature of mdivi-1. At the same time there are many reports that iron ( bleeding ) is hampering healing of various injuries.
This is my way to justify to my self my Prana investment today in spite of the big losses at present. Do your own research !!! Do not trust my justification, it may be totally wrong. Big pharma has got these things wrong for years and so even I may not understand these issues. At this moment nobody knows how to stop progression of AD, PD etc.