I apologise for 2018 production target reference . Here are some forecasts:
6 Nov 2017 Presentation- “ Targeting mid 2019 Production”.
13 June 2018 Presentation- “Late 2019 production target”.
8 August 2018 Presentation- “February 2019 construction commencement target”.
Is there a history of slippage? I agree that there are reasonable slippage acceptance levels and the RMS takeover bid can be considered a legitimate management time distraction but there is a history.
The IER was not a document that I rate as a buy/sell guide however using the RMS share price as a guide (as done in the IER) you can now conclude that the bid is a massive accept proposition. In the absence of the BFS being released to date you can also say that EXU Directors have not provided shareholders with a compelling reason to reject the takeover bid.