Couldnt agree better!! Linc energy was a +$500million company at the time of disastrous incident had occurred, but given 11 years have gone passed and mistakes were learned. The major problem with Linc was the fracture of rock that lead to gas leakage, this was because resource depth was only 125m but LCK has a 500m depth which significantly reduces the risk of fracture and this was confirmed by geotechnical investigations. Another critical problem with the Linc project was due to the operating pressure not validated by proponent norprescribed by regulator ,therefore, it had exceeded the contaminated pressure. LCK on the other side operates under the strict government monitoring and experts advice, which makes them very likely to receive a commercial approval due to their high level of transparency. There is no doubt that LCK will exceed Linc energy's MC and show the world that this proven ISG does work under strict protocols and deep understanding of the technology.