Nope -- lets put a wall all around Oz and make NZ and Tasmania...

  1. 28,128 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 42
    Nope -- lets put a wall all around Oz and make NZ and Tasmania pay for it

    who woulda thought that Congress would begin to do what it's job is eh? - to keep tabs on and regulate the Presidency --- wow, the cheek of the buggers --

    yes, yes, I know it's what the Founding fathers put in place - but, they are old fashioned old farts - long dead -

    I don't know what the country is coming to ---- all that capital punishment - fixed crime -- all those guns in free hands - made the country safe and free -

    now - they want to pull it all down by actually doing what they are paid for

    gees, pass me the diet coke and nuggets will ya?

    And, someone find my golf clubs
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