I agree Pwinne, plenty of small investors have been hurt here. I would however like to know why if Citigroup believe ABC was in breach of it's debt covenants why they haven't called the debt in because they are a party to the debt facilty they have raised issues about (unless they have already onsold it). I'd also like to know whether Citigroup had loaned out any stock and specifically whether they loaned it to their own hedge fund which I am led to believe they have and whether their hedge fund was shortselling the shares. A broker I use at Citi Smith Barney told me a coupel fo days before the results announcement that there were rumours abotu that hedge funds were going after ABC to force Eddie into margin calls. I wish I had of sold out then. Perhaps the ASX and ASIC could look into this. I certainly hope this is not the case, but there was more to this whole debacle then the half year results. I'm sure the majority of investors in the market would like to know manipulation of this kind was not occurring. If it is, perhaps that's where the class action should be heading. Somehow I think we'll never know the answers to my questions.
a.b.c. learning centres limited