Ecofibre Medical Cannabis float around Easter 2018, page-97

  1. 10 Posts.
    hey there HempCFO
    thanks for that insight. I must admit that I was a little confused about the "history" - The new Chairman might be  a rich guy but has no experience/knowledge of hemp (or agriculture) and the new CEO  is from finance background (any "royal commission" concerns here???). There's plenty of money out there so these guys alone are not really anything unique, but a detailed knowledge of the whole value chain of industrial hemp is hard to come by; possible only a couple of people worldwide who really have a handle on this. Sounds like EOF might need to re-think the story about the 'real' value of the company. BTW, do they have the founder on some kind of retainer, or 'expert opinion' agreement? I have actually been following that guy (Phil) for years and he's a tenacious, forward thinking dynamite  with amazing ideas. (Maybe a bit eccentric but that goes with the territory of creativity and starting whole industries from scratch.)Definitely the brains behind any IP EOF might hold....happy to share more if anyone is interested. 
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