Imagine if I listened to undiscoveredgenius , and his opine that only companies that make a profit are worth buying .... well I wouldnt have bought below 40c .... and wouldnt be sitting on a 9 bagger .....
Imagine if all the share owners of all the companies that have flourished since the global stock markets began trading, only bought in once companies had customers of their products .... imagine if we all listened to his comments .... oh dear
You may have made the biggest embarrassing call I have ever read here on HC ....
that is if you hadnt been exposed as a liar, but telling us all earlier :
theworldsonlygenius said "No mate calling it real , and you know I sold the bulk at $5 Not cynical at all , just want to keep this thread balanced , and real , Too much pipe dreams , becareful can all end in a puff of smoke"
rarely does one dig a hole for himself as large as you have ... hopefully you keep digging and its the last we hear from you.
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