1,663 Posts.
I find it a little weird that all the other results that have been announced this year have had no TH, and there have been some cracker drill hits.
Some of these are:
98m @ 5.4g/t, 86m @ 6.2g/t, 94m @ 4.6g/t, 75m @ 4.1g/t, 57m @ 10.7g/t, 38m @ 11.6g/t, and the list goes on.
Timbogold has stated the Medinandi issue and we have plenty of cash for the time being.
I am sceptical and hope to be proven wrong, but I can't shake the Medinandi issue just yet.
So the question is 'how great are these results?'
We're hitting ~100m @ ~5g/t as the above.
How much greater can it get without actually digging deeper.
The TH states "further drilling results" so I guess it can't be a downgrade of the MRE?
If the results are just the same as all the previuos results is the TH warranted? IMO, no.
Are they just trying to stir interest in PIR? Probably not, as PIR ain't the most frequent when it comes to announcements.
Too many q's in my head, but I hope I am proven wrong with hits over 100m and +5g/t with ease.