Some stats just for you Lauban
Less than 2.5m share traded below 1.3c and majority of them were at 1.2-1.3c. Almost 3m traded below 1.6c, almost 7m traded between 1.7-1.9c and 65m shares traded between 2-2.9c...
Now 99m shares were issued at 1c out of which 65m were taken by management and 1 sub holder.. so only 35m were available to retail holders...
My average buy is around 1.9-2c however, I bought heaps at 1.4c... so I don't think there are not many around who have the luxury of paying 1.2-1.3c for a decent parcel other than MW, JR, and one other director. The sub holder and one of the directors who now owns large chink of the company bought his parcel quite expensive... so they have a long way to go before they can claim to be profitable...
Anyway, well done to you and
@minoil for getting in early...