Does China Still Buy Much Coal from Australia ?

  1. 85 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 13
    China and India are buying and the market is expanding particularly metallurgical coal
    The problem the world has is energy as the world works on price so they want cheap energy and safe energy (none volatile)
    Gas particularly from coal seam has failed in many cases and the Russian supplies are unreliable PNG has gas coming on but not enough and the oil countries are in turmoil and like Russian supplies, unreliable
    Solar is ok for houses and daytime use along with wind but again unreliable in all weather conditions
    Lithium and most batteries cost more in energy to produce than they will every supply so batteries are short term supply
    Hydro as in pumped hydro will in the future will be much larger with solar panels (Snowy 2.0 is too expensive there are better places then the Snowy) we need a Government and thinker to improve this area (Trimbull has not got the balls for this)
    Geothermal has not proved the winner people hopped
    So that leaves oil or coal, both are dirty and coal is less volatile and more heat efficient for energy production
    China and the industrialised world will have to use coal and try to overcome the pollution somehow
    This is the very short version of a very complex problem
  2. 5,759 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    short answer is yep - absolute sheetloads.
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