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Originally posted by cosmicz
Are ASX off the planet with ZERO common sense only corporates win here.. it reported numerous time what Todd long term intentions are regardless if FMS company were making millions of dollars he still would delist us ASAP. The NZ Todd corp are a private company which would spit us out like a de-corn machine.
TODD stated on 17 March 2016 — 5:55pm by Tess SMH
Todd Corporation renews pursuit of Flinders Mines New Zealand's billionaire Todd family has launched a $31 million off-market takeover bid for iron ore hopeful Flinders Resources following a failed attempt last year to acquire the company's key project
It is understood the private Todd Corporation's basis for its ongoing pursuit of Flinders, and its 2015 takeover of neighboring developer Rutila Resources, is a positive long-term view on iron ore market dynamics.
"[Todd] is seeking to increase its shareholding in Flinders to at least a level where it can better influence the future direction of Flinders and the evaluation of the future development options for PIOP," Mr. Woolley said.
If Todd managed to takeover Flinders, it said it planned to delist the company and conduct a review to determine how best to develop PIOP.
If it failed to complete a takeover, but gained a position of control, T odd said it would appoint directors to the board, call for a thorough review of the company and continue to "pursue alternative opportunities within the Pilbara to secure sources of iron ore for the Balla Balla infrastructure project".
If the review wasn't completed to its satisfaction, Todd said it would move to spill the board.
I'm sure you have told Ben at the ASX of Todd's 'recorded' plans? I received an email from Ben yesterday asking for 'evidence'. Has he been alerted to this?