I am thinking GNX would like a presence in Australia's most populated state, particularly where there are opportunities involving solar and PHES.
Submission Overview
The development of Energy Zones in NSW, where appropriate and cost effective, would support an orderly transition to a modern energy system.
The NSW Government has provided detailed data regarding strategic land use planning and regional growth priorities for NSW.
Three potential priority NSW Energy Zones have been identified in the state’s New England, Central-West and South-West regions.
An implementation framework must be developed to operationalise Energy Zones in an efficient and cost-effective way that delivers net-benefits to NSW energy consumers and regional communities.
The Integrated System Plan must be underpinned by rigorous and comprehensive economic analysis, ensuring it can be used as a base case for future RIT-T applications.
The RIT-T process should be streamlined for applications for the Energy Zones identified in the Integrated System Plan to reduce potential delays and duplication and
improve investment certainty.
"The Atlas of Pumped Hydro Energy Storage identified approximately 80 possible pumped hydro energy storage sites north and east of Dubbo near Coonabarabran and Bundella that could offer firming services for large-scale wind and solar projects in this location, and a total of 1,151 potential sites between the proposed Energy Zone and the major load centres of Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong.11 The Central-West and Orana Regional Plan 203612 recognises the potential of renewable energy to diversify the economy across the region and provide local job opportunities."