“I suspect nobody else in the UK parliament could negotiate a...

  1. 19,609 Posts.
    “I suspect nobody else in the UK parliament could negotiate a demonstrably better deal than May has managed.

    Dex, deep down you know that if they had Trumpy, the UK would’ve had a great deal all wrapped up by now (prob 1 or 2 years ago.

    Anyway mate, it was good to see the Russian hoax confirmed today. I know you either believed or really wanted to be in the “rabbit hole”. CNN even admitted 2 years ago to project veritas that it was a “nothing burger” and the head of counterintelligence of the FBI said 2 years ago that there was “Nothing there there” . But I suppose people will believe what they want to believe from the media .

    But come on mate. You know that the UK desperately needs a trump to sort this you fiasco out .
    Last edited by nickyjames: 25/03/19
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