One of the best gut drinks is either Sauerkraut juice or proper...

  1. 7,611 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 28
    One of the best gut drinks is either Sauerkraut juice or proper salt dill cucumber juice..
    NBD was on a course of massive antibiotics due to bum jaw,,, so keep a few lit of the
    juice in the fridge,( it keeps for ages) and helps to replenish the gut bio dynamics.
    and once you get over the stinken socks pong,,,its scrumdellish...
    So easy to make:
    Slice cabbage and carrots ,
    Layer tight in a container,
    Salt,layer,salt layer,etc,,,
    ,,press down real hard
    Place plate on top
    with a rock or a jug of water for weight..
    A few weeks later you have what in a shop costs $20 odd for 250mls
    Madness..and people pay for the stuff...
    Boggles the noggen,it does..
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