Death of the Internal Combustion Engine, page-19

  1. 161 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 78
    It's the white elephant know one with half an idea can explain. How will all these ev cars get charged overnight, in time for the morning? And if you answer "my rooftop solar & battery storage system", pfft you've just shown your hand that you have no idea on how electricity works & the high current draw needed, which surprise surprise can only be achieved from a grid connected charging point. then who shall be responsible for pIckIng up the tab for the massI e power grId upgrade? "oh not me Ive got rooftop solar, I want (read demand) my electrIcIty for free". I have an electrical background so I'm well versed in how things can & cant work. Im tired of reading completely false statements to try & make a point correct.
    I'll try & find some factual figures from a AFR article a few months back on the matter of houses having ev chargers. the numbers were astounding, & not in good way for all the battery car hopefuls out there.
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