The week that we celebrate the centenary of the 1918...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 196
    The week that we celebrate the centenary of the 1918 armistice... 200~ members of Germany’s special forces arrested for plotting to get rid of a whole bunch of politicians. The shooting of an Austrian Polly ( Franz Ferdinand ), started the whole thing & look where we are, 100 yrs later.

    All the players are back in their original positions & central/Northern Europe is stirring up crap again ( Japan, Germany & Italy are allies with the West & China/Russia are our ‘enemies’, exactly as it was in 1918 ), History couldn’t repeat itself if it tried any harder.

    Oh- did we notice that Turkey is causing us headaches in Syria again too? ( Aussie light horse did much of the work freeing Syria from Turkish rule 100~ years ago. Lawrence of Arabia was in the end a Pom taking credit or giving it to his Arab Syrian allies for much of our work- which he had to do to sell the story to the gov. back in England at the time so let’s not be too hard on that front- we weren’t there & the desire of freeing Syria from the Ottomans was achieved ).

    De Javu with a side of our own left wing trying to undermine us, just as they did back then, anyone?

    **Olive branch to any who are offended by the last- the extreme of either side is a horror, it’s just that one side seems to be getting a free pass at the moment & therefore deserve extra attention.

    **Lest We Forget.**

    Don’t just mouth those words- pick up a history book! All the mistakes in the world are right there for us to learn from, without the need for further war! The ideas of the West & the rest have been tested time & again already. As imperfect as the West is, our laws & beliefs have created lands in which it is just as if not even safer than any other region for anyone no matter their background.

    Be proud of that achievement. An achievement paid for in blood, sweat and tears. Read a book! Give that blood, sweat and tears the respect they deserve! You, your family or friends, your ideological opponents, do not need to suffer- others have done it for all of us in the past & their record is there for us to learn from.

    Be sure that those who you would both agree & disagree with would end up like the poor fellows in the video here- don’t let it happen again!

    Many good women & children suffered too. I pray we hear their voice in the call for remembrance too.

    This is in no way a ‘let’s all just get along call’ in regards to all the people/ideologies of the world.
    This is a ‘The West isn’t perfect but it is the best we humans have come up with so far’.
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