It baffles me how some people in this forum feel they can changethe way a company is managed by providing misleading or in some cases untrueinformation. Facts are facts, where's the fact that Davis Willis is even ashareholder of KAS? Where is the certainty that what he is suggesting willguarantee funding for KAS? There isn't any. Fact is if you want your company tosucceed, it needs to be funded by right people at the right price. Approval of this convertible loan provides KAS with up to $1m cash, anotherfact, why would we vote against it? So IMO voting FOR the resolution is theright thing to do, why? Pala has stated 3 times that it has no intention ofconverting the loan, and therefore the 50% ownership that David Willis istalking about is extremely unlikely. If this was the case, Pala would have toconvert immediately, which more than likely wouldn't happen and KAS would haveto defer payment for another year!
I'm surprised these types of communications are legally allowed tobe distributed to shareholders, as such in any public facing industry wouldbe seen as defamation and this should be viewed in the same way, good luck to youDavid, I hope you've done your homework on the legal implications of thesetypes of letters. At the end of the day, if Willis was so interested in KAS, he'd be a shareholder, and fromall accounts, there is no evidence that he's nothing but anagitator.