I made some custom icons for Windows 10 tonight, I had been looking for something for a while now, as I had an idea, but didn't know how to do it.
I wanted something different for the Network icon in particular (I didn't like the standard Windows 10 icon).
I found this free tool to make icons from images, and then a second free tool to change the icon, works a treat.
My new Icon is the little TV with a green screen above (Green shows the internet is connected and data is flowing correctly - it changes to red when there is not any internet connection at all, and to yellow if the internet is connected, but data is interrupted or is not operational for some reason).
I made the three different icons I needed using microsoft paint, then converted them to the correct format using the "Utimate Icon Converter" tool, then installed them into window using the "Customizer God" application.
The ultimate icon converter can convert pretty much any image (.png, .bmp, .tif or .jpg) to the correct icon format (.ico)
The Customizer God tool can change almost every icon in any windows version, except the start button in windows 10 (which will be available later as an update).