Estimating Covata's revenue moving forward is the only variable needed to estimate Covata's current and future
share valuation. Covata now has a NTA backing of 1 cent.
80% of revenue is R&D tax handouts. Real fees of only $193,305 after listing in 2014 is a disaster by any measure.
So all we need is for someone clued up to tell us how long Covata will be able to claim these R&D tax concessions into
the future and at what rate.
"Revenue – technology related products and services" will be easy to estimate. Pretty much the same really. Even if Covata were to double their "Revenue – technology related products and services " in FY 2017 they'll still run out of money in six months time.
31 December 2016
Revenue – technology related products and services 193,305
Research & development tax concession 903,623
Other income 3,295
So CVT are going to put out some positive spin on whatever they can dream up while scamming how to raise
another $20M.