CCE 10.3% 4.3¢ carnegie clean energy limited

Yeh it's pretty full on... but never the less the population is...

  1. 2,058 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 62
    Yeh it's pretty full on... but never the less the population is going up and the planet is getting warmer and the seas are rising.

    Can we stop or slow it...only with a steely resolve akin to a world war type mobilisation of the world I assume. If we can get the U.S. back into line with global action on climate change perhaps we can.

    China is certainly trying to lead renewable energy policy and action, but with the forests getting decimated the way they are & glaciers that supply fresh water to 10's of millions receeding at unprecedented rates we may well be falling off the cliff.

    But can a government say that we are doomed in 32 years or 50 years or whatever. No that will not happen. Anarchy would prevail.

    Do we expect an influx of climate refugees? yes...that is why all Federal governments in the past 15-20 years have been trying to "stop the boats" which in itself is a terrible topic to deal with, but look at what is happening throughout Europe due to conflict in the middle east.

    But we all came from somewhere.....even our aboriginal friends came from Africa as far as I am aware.
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